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Giving Each Other Space

Giving Each Other Space

One of the great things about any new or old relationship is the feeling when we are able to just spend time uninterrupted with our loved ones. It doesn’t matter if we are sat at a spit and sawdust bar or chilling out and binge watching TV. We’re with them, and that’s perfect. But it […]

Natural Hair Loss Preventions

Natural Hair Loss Preventions

There is a lot of conjecture over what does and doesn’t work in the battle against baldness. It is true that once baldness has started to show itself and creep in, it is definitely harder to fight, and often the sufferer finds themselves resorting to hair transplants or ‘plugs’. However, there are a number of […]

Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness

Anyone who suffers from male pattern baldness will attest to it being an absolute confidence destroyer as well as what feels like a losing battle. Every time a balding person combs their hair to try and cover up a thin patch, they uncover another, or they find more dead hairs in their comb than last […]